20 Travel Tips

Traveling is fun, but it’s also filled with pitfalls – overpriced hotels, sleazy restaurants, tourist traps, delayed flights – you get the idea. To make the right moves and guarantee a smooth, fun-filled trip, follow these 20 essential travel tips culled from years of experience.

  1. Don’t plan too much. For all you control freaks out there, I’m telling you to just relax. Don’t worry about meticulously Planning too muchscheduling every single second of your stay – it’s simply not worth it. Who knows what you’ll enjoy or who you’ll meet? My advice for you is just to pick a starting point, 2 or 3 must-see locations, and an ending point (though that last part is optional). Then, let fate take care of the rest.
  2. With that being said, don’t plan too little. It’s all about balance. While travel is all about spontaneity and living for the moment, you also don’t want to be totally unprepared. Just make sure you have some idea of where you want to stay, what you want to see, and when.
  3. Back everything up. You never know when you might lose something or have it stolen. It’s always a good idea to keep physical or digital copies of your most important files, like passports, visas, driver’s license, birth certificate, health insurance card, serial numbers, and important phone numbers.
  4. smart-packingPack less. Take only the essentials, and try to pack multipurpose articles. If you aren’t sure about something, chances are you won’t need it. And if it turns out that you do, it’s usually possible to buy most things at your destination country. With a bit of care, patience, and strategy, you can pack your entire life into a carry-on or two.
  5. Take lots of photos. photographyMost of these experiences are once-in-a-lifetime. Sure, you might look like an overenthusiastic tourist, but these are memories you don’t want to lose.
  6. Keep a travel journal/write a travel blog. You don’t have to be a good writer to keep a journal or tech-savvy to start a blog. All that matters is that you record the stuff that matters to you, because you’ll cherish these memories for the rest of your life.
  7. Splurge (wisely). Budget travel is great, but living on a shoestring can get pretty tiring after a while. Treat yourself to a nice hotel, fancy restaurant, or wild night out once in while.
  8. Take care of your body. Foreign places mean foreign climates, terrains, foods, and germs. Eat healthy, exercise, sanitize, and be careful!
  9. Interact with locals. Make it a point to get to know some local people. Learn from those who live in the country local-people-are-very-friendly-10391you’re visiting. You’ll find that it’s the people you meet that makes travel worthwhile, not the sights you see.
  10. Observe daily life. The best way to get a feel for your destination city is to sit back, relax, and take in your surroundings. Pay attention to the sights, sounds, smells, and social interactions taking place around you. Not only can people-watching be an eye-opening experience, but it’s also fun!
  11. Get lost on purpose. Get off the beaten path! Actively seek out interesting and unusual places. It’s the nooks and crannies and small, tucked-away places that make a place interesting. (Just be sure to stay safe.)
  12. Eat local food. Taste a bit of everything when you travel, even if – no, especially if OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA– you don’t know what it is. Ask locals for recommendations. Eat street food from vendors. Don’t worry about getting sick – traveler’s diarrhea isn’t nearly as big of a problem as it’s made out to be.
  13. Take it easy. Tight itineraries are stressful and exhausting. Don’t be afraid to slow down a bit. Most memorable experiences happen only when you really take the time to explore. When it comes to sightseeing, aim for quality, not quantity.
  14. Be spontaneous. Perhaps a bit cliché, but it’s true: the best way to live is to live in – and for – the moment. Try new things! Get messy! Say yes! Remember, the most important thing is to have fun.
  15. Volunteer. Volunteering some of your time for worthwhile projects is not only a reward experience, but you’ll also learn more about the country, its people, and their culture. volunteer
  16. There’s always a way. Miss the bus? No big deal, there’ll be another one. Didn’t get to see something you were looking forward to? Don’t worry about it! Take an unplanned road trip and see something you didn’t even know you wanted to see! Be patient and persistent.
  17. Keep an open mind. Refrain from making judgments about cultures and customs that are different from your own. Listen to opinions you don’t necessarily agree with. Try to put yourself in someone else’s shoes before you judge them. Embrace different possibilities, opportunities, and suggestions. You never know if you’ll change your mind, and you’ll be surprised at what you learn!
  18. Venture outside your comfort zonecrazy_climbers_09Challenge yourself! Do things and go places that normally make you nervous. The more you do those things, the less scared you’ll feel. This is easier with travel because you’re already surrounded by new and uncomfortable experiences – one more can’t hurt you.
  19. Stay in touch. Make sure that while you’re out there establishing new relationships, Postcards 5-31-080032you don’t neglect your old ones. Call your friends and family from time to time. Email. Send pictures. Maybe even go old school and send them a postcard! Maintaining strong connections with your loved ones is super important.
  20. Travel more. There are many excuses people make as to why they don’t travel – no time, no energy, no money, no opportunities, etc. But the real reason many people stay in one place is because they’re scared. They’re scared of new places, new people, new experiences. But I’m telling you to be brave. Most people who wait to travel the world never do. There’s so much world and so little time – I say get out there and explore it while you can!


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